PSHA State Finals


2025 State Finals

August 8th-10th 2025 in Wenatchee


2025 State Finals Sponsor Form

2024 State Finals Results: 

Junior Champion: Gabriyela Hernandez                                                       

Intermediate Champion: Brylee Roorda on Dixie                                           

Senior A Champion: Maddy Olson                                                                

Senior B Champion: Tanya Plagerman on Jiminy                                            

Super Senior A Champion: Jessica Parks                                                       

Super Senior B Champion: Waynora Martin                                                   


Reserve Champion: Isis Davenport

Reserve Champion: Brylee Roorda on Kizzy

Reserve Champion: CJ Taylor

Reserve Champion: Tanya Plagerman on Lizzie

Reserve Champion: Candice Sweitzer-Deubel 

Reserve Champion: Amy McHale



Based on an average of three (3) best times during the current season August 1 - July 31. For times ridden under a day number to be included in the

3-time year-end average, written notifications must be sent to the State Times Keeper and include the date, show sponsor, class,

and day number by July 15 of current year. We will invite 15 different riders, regardless of the number of horses, in the Junior and

Intermediate classes and 60 different horse and rider combinations for the Senior age group which will be broken into 4 different

groups. There will be one (1) run at State Finals Championship Show by each horse and rider combination. The same rider can

appear multiple times on multiple horses in an individual event. Two-man and four-man teams, a rider may appear with a different

horse/rider combination, but no horse may compete against itself in team events.  

Invitations to State Finals:

Invitations will be emailed out usually 4 or more days after the last chance weekend show end of July.  Those members who do not have email, their invitation will be mailed to them.  Be sure and watch for it and if you don't see it, look in your junk mail, and then contact Candice our state timeskeeper at or 509-675-1264.  You can fill out a stall application and mail it in before receiving your invitation.  See the application above.

Top 12 Four-Man Team Averages
Top 12 Two-Man Team Averages
Top 15 Junior Individual Averages - 15 different riders, regardless of the number of horses
Top 15 Intermediate Individual Averages - 15 different riders, regardless of the number of horses

All seniors age 18 and above will be paced in 4 groups of 15
ranked by averages:
Group I: Averages ranked 1 through 15
Group II: Averages ranked 16 through 30
Group III: Averages ranked 31 through 45
Group IV: Averages ranked 46 through 60

No additional invitations for ties with the exception of last place. In the event that a horse, rider or team qualifies with two (2) or more

averages, the next qualified horse, rider or team will be invited. In the event that a class is not filled, management will take the next

qualified average to fill the class. Only qualified averages to be listed in the program.

In all events the first rider will be the fifteenth (15) place rider or the slowest average. Alternates for the Junior and Intermediate age

groups will be listed in the program and will only ride if an invitation is canceled. In the Senior age groups, after the invitation

acceptance deadline; the state times keeper will issue invitations to alternates to bring the horse/rider combinations in each

event back to a total of 60, or as close to that total as possible, with qualified averages. In the event that there are not 60 qualified

averages, the 4 Senior groups will be divided as equally as possible.

Invitations shall include averages as computed by the state times keeper. If an error of averages is found by the rider on invitations,

with proof of arena sheets, that rider or team may ride at State Finals if proof of qualification. Riders and/or Team Captains, in the case

of team events, shall correct averages if any errors and accept the invitation either in person or by telephone no later than 5:00 PM

on the Saturday immediately following the email date of the invitation. Those without email will still get a mailed invitation, following

the same rules as above. If the rider and/or team captain do not receive invitation by the Monday following the first weekend, rider

and/or team captain must call by 5:00 PM on Saturday to inquire. If the State Times Keeper/Designated Person(s) receives no call,

rider and/or team will not be allowed to ride. The call-in number and EMAIL address for acceptance to State Finals must be printed

in the July news letter and on Invitation. Interstate invitations will be accepted or declined at the same time State Finals invitations

are accepted or declined. E-MAIL may be used as an alternate to call in. Either method is acceptable with the cutoff time for both

being the same time on Saturday night. E-mail could be sent up until cut off time. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to those utilizing

the e-mail method.

Grand Entry:

There will be no riding double at Grand Entry at State Finals Championship Show.

Entry Fees:

The entry fee will be $4.00 for each event the contestant is invited in.

PSHA Awards Fee:

There will be an awards fee of $25 per rider that can be paid at any time up until the start of State Finals. If the Awards fee is not paid,

you will not be eligible to ride at State Finals or eligible for any PSHA Awards. This can be paid in the form of a sponsorship of $50 raised by July 31st.


State Finals Championship Show awards are to be handled by the State Finals Championship show Committee according to PSHA awards

specifications. The fastest time in each group will place rider/riders as “State Champions.”

Moving Arena:

Should an event be moved for safety reasons, all classes, in that event, that have been completed will have an option for a re-ride with

original penalties carrying over. (ie: NT in original run carries over to a NT in the re-ride. +5's carry over to the re-ride as well) Classes

that have not been completed will be started over as if they have not run.

State Finals Dress Code:

All competing contestants must wear Western Attire. Western attire is defined by: Western Jeans, Western boots or appropriate riding shoe

and a button down/snaps/zippers, collared shirt. Collared shirt may be short, long or sleeveless. Neat polo shirts are acceptable.

All hats/visors/helmets are permitted during State Competition.