July Newsletter

Posted: 7/1/2022


July Newsletter 

I hope you are all getting out there and getting your averages. We are coming down to the wire with only three weekends left.  Don’t forget to watch for your state final and interstate invitations at the beginning of august and reply to them ASAP. The sun has finally come out and shows are happening across the state good luck and ride hard.


State Finals News

State Finals is not that far away, 42 days from the time I wrote this. I hope everyone has mostly completed averages; this year has been very Interesting…. Those of you that came to Omoksee in the fall should have a little better cushion of times in your averages. 

I have been notified that Saturday, August 13th of State Finals at Appleatchee there will also be a team roping. They are not supposed to be using the show barn stalls or the camping area. I know that we can all get along and share the space, just giving everyone a little warning that things may get a little crowded on Saturday! 

Please note that stalls and camping did go up by $5 each night and shavings went up $2 from last year. There are few tweaks to the ground rules: 

*Dogs must be on leash when at the top arena, leashes not required in camping or barn areas. (Please use common sense with this) Also, pick up your dog poop!! 

*The roping arena is for Appleatchee members only during events. You may let your horses roll in there but please do not ride or turn them out to run in the roping arena.

*No bikes or scooters. 

*Only licensed drivers may drive the golf carts on the grounds. 

Kelbi will be assigning parking again this year. I know that everyone likes to park in certain spots and with certain people but assigning spots truly makes it so much easier for show management and those of us that can’t get to Wenatchee as early as others. She will do her best to accommodate you and your requests but if you don’t let her know early enough you might get stuck with what you get.  

As always, let’s ride for some fast runs and have some great times! Lots of fun awards this year. See you all in Wenatchee in August! 



2022 Annual Meeting will be held in Lake Chelan at the awesome Campbells Resort again this year on October 22-23rd.

When Covid happened in 2020 and we had to cancel our meeting for that year, Campbell’s resort was willing to not charge us for the cancelation if we signed a 2- year contract with them.  The executive board chose to accept their contract under the circumstances so in short that is why we are there again this year.

The rates for the rooms are the same as 2021 which is great considering the inflation in all the prices of everything.  The traditional rooms are $118 and the deluxe $133.  To make your reservations please contact Campbell’s Resort at 509-682-2561 or 800-553-8225.  The group number is #614176 Patterned Speed Horse Association.  

There will be a business meeting on Saturday with new proposals presented and election of officers.  A dinner will be in the evening, awards, and entertainment of some kind.  Sunday morning will be a timers/judge’s clinic for renewal of cards and new tests given as well.  A schedule and dinner ticket information will be following as we get closer to October.

Don’t wait to get your reservations as we have limited rooms blocked for this occasion otherwise PSHA is left with paying for rooms we don’t use. 

Any questions, please contact Lesa Bland @ lbland@televar.com


A friendly reminder that if you have any new proposals that you want brought to the floor of the annual meeting you must send them to our President, Nate Morgan, (see address below) prior to September 10th with signature attached to the new proposal.  All proposals must be “in motion form” such as “I propose”.  It is also helpful to list the page number or section in the rulebook that the rule change would take place.  Also, a reminder that the person whose signature on the new proposal must be present at the meeting before proposal can be discussed on the floor.  A new proposal can have more than one signature listed.  Any questions, please contact Lesa Bland @ lbland@televar.com, rules chair.

Nate Morgan, 22621 Yeager Road, Monroe, WA  98272   or natemorgan@live.com

Just a friendly reminder to make sure that your membership dues are paid for the year.  The most recent membership list is posted on the website. I have seen a few people riding that I do not have record of payment for the year. Also a reminder that if you didn’t bring in a sponsorship for State Finals and haven’t paid your awards fee you will have to pay that at State.