June Newsletter

Posted: 6/15/2024

Hello PSHA Family. I owe you all an apology. I haven’t done a good job of getting out a Newsletter the last couple months. Life got busy and I failed to communicate with you very well. For that I am sorry.

Now, it’s June and the season is in full swing, and everyone is moving and grooving towards their averages. I know one person has already completed their 7A. There is a lot happening around the state and a lot of efforts to make sure the year continues going well and finishes strong!

State Finals: Melonie and the committee are working hard on preparations for State Finals. Many people have stepped up to take on jobs. But there are still several tasks that we could use some help with. See her note below for more information.

Interstate: As a state, we should be quite excited for Interstate to be at Appleatchee this year. This is an awesome opportunity for us to shine on our home turf. Queen’s judges are in place. Apparel is being designed and ordered. I am working on the Golf outing. It will be here before you know it.

Also, both princesses could still use your help. They are both going to shows, doing rodeo runs and answering impromptu questions. Make sure you help them step up to the plate. Get them talking at their shows. Have them get on the microphone and promote what they are doing. Go Princesses Emma and JoJo. And GOOOO WASHINGTON!!!!

Convention: We are starting plans for Convention. We didn’t have anyone volunteer, so Melonie and I will take it on. We’ll likely be at Silver Reef Casino again this year. They’ve done a great job for us and provided great value as well. I am working to finalize the dates, but it is likely we will be November 2-3 this year. Look for more details to come over the next month.

PSHA Scholarship: This year’s winner is Duncan Parks! Duncan just graduated last week from Lynden High School and will be attending Montana State University in Bozeman this fall. He is a part of their Honors and Business College and will be studying accounting and Data Analytics. Thanks to the scholarship committee for their work sorting through applications. Let this serve as a heads up for next year’s graduates. Make sure you get your applications in by May 15!

And … that’s the news! It’s a busy time of year. Travel Safe. Compete Hard. Have Fun. And I’ll see you in the arena soon!



State Finals Update:

HI all!!!

Summer and sun are finally in our sights!! We have been working hard behind the scenes to make sure State Finals 2024 is great! Thank you ALL that have contributed so far!

We have an official theme:


Several have jumped in to take on jobs but we still have several to cover. Message me if you are interested.

-Secret Pal coordinator (starts about 2-3 weeks before state)

-Program designer (starts ASAP)

-Grand Entry Coordinator (Weekend of with some minimal pre plan)

-Awards table set up (weekend of)

HUGE THANK YOU to all of the buckle and saddle sponsors! They are looking amazing and should be arriving anytime!! (ifyou haven’t mailed your payment to Shannon, please do so)

Heather, Maddy and Bella Olson have taken on collecting items for the Welcome bags. If know of a company that would be willing to contribute, please let them know!!!

Get out there and collect those averages!!!

