May Newsletter

Posted: 5/12/2023

website show dates

May Newsletter




May is here and the season is truly upon us. The race for State Finals is fully underway. Looking at the calendar, there is actually at least one show booked every weekend but one from now through the end of July. I am sure that it will fill in.

With that, there is A LOT going on. With the new numbers and website, people have been coming up with good questions and we’ve been working hard to answer them. I am going to touch on a few of them in the newsletter so in hopes that we can help out.


Q: The website isn’t working. Or, I am getting a security message when I try the website.


A: First, the website address: The website is:

I have had a slew of questions come to me saying they can’t get in. The website doesn’t work. They are getting a security message. Here is why: DON’T USE  WWW. I know that this is how the website and all websites used to work. But not anymore. Now, just type in and hit enter.

That should fix the problem. If not, send me a note and we’ll see what we can do.


Q: Do I need a horse number if I am going to ride my friend’s horse?


A: Not likely. If that horse already has a number in the PSHA system, use that. You’ve created a new combination with your rider number and that same horse.


Q: Can I submit my horse information for a horse number before a show? How?


A: YES! Please do! You can do this by going to the information drop down. Selecting the Contact link and filling out the Horse Information form.

Q: When I am filling out the timer sheets, where to I write the horse number and information?


A: Please don’t hesitate to write information in the old “Horse Name Column”. Or We have some new computer-generated forms that you can print and fill out. If you’d like these, please reach out to me and I’ll send them off to you right away. They’ll be in excel. You can then copy or scan and email them to Candice for recording.


Q: Can I get Jamie to do a computer meeting for our club or office people to talk about the new computer and number system, answer questions and concerns and even provide some tips and tricks that may help things go smoother?


A: YES! We’d be happy to do that. In fact, we had one this week with some of our South Seattle and Green River people and it was FANTASTIC!


Q: Can we pre-register or sign people up in advance to make this easier?


A: YES! There has been a ton of success with this. In fact, it’s how Oregon is successfully using this system already. There will be some learning for the best way to execute your show but, be willing to learn and mess with it. The website has this functionality when we’re ready to use it as well. Melonie and I have even worked on a Google Doc to get pre-registration/Day sheet info that has worked fantastically.


That’s enough for now, but I am sure there will be more questions. Please let me know and let’s see what we can do!


Convention: We have a date and a location! This year we’ll be back at Silver Reef Casino in Ferndale, WA.

The Dates are October 27-29, 2023. You can start booking rooms now. We have a fantastic room rate at $139 for a King or Double Queen room. Just need to mention Patterned Speed Horses when booking. You can book your room by calling 866-3830-777 ext. 4120.

As we get closer, we’ll dial in menu and cost, but dinners should come in around $35 this year.

Start making plans!


Interstate: We are officially locked in to Brasada Ranch for this year, but the committee is actively working on a couple of great options for next year.

We were informed that there is an Oregon Princess now. I don’t have her name yet. Also, there is an active campaign to find a Washington Princess. If you know of someone that’s interested or think of someone that would be good, please encourage them to ask questions or reach out to the Interstate committee with the suggestion.


Upcoming shows:

  • May 13-14: Valley Riders
  • May 20-21: Appleatchee Riders
  • May 27-28: NVR at Stewarts in Yelm.
  • June 3-4: Valley Riders
  • June 10-11: Agnew Riders, Nooksack Valley Riders and South Seattle
  • June 16-18: PSHA O-Mok-See @ Appleatchee


That’s all for now. Let me know if you have questions or things you want in the newsletter. See you soon!


