October Newsletter and Rule Proposals

Posted: 10/2/2024

Happy Fall PSHA Family. A busy few weeks culminates in Convention in just a few weeks. I am excited to see you all at Convention and enjoy a little social time outside the arena as well as spends some time working on the rules and things that will make our organization healthier and better for the years ahead.

Quick note as we head into the new year. Show fees will increase to $1.50 per ride for the 2025 season!

Convention Details: 

Rooms are available to book at $139 per night. Rooms will be held for us through October 11th. That is next Friday!

 Here are the details:

Book your stay at Silver Reef Hotel Casino Resort! 

The link to book your room for the Patterned Speed Horses for the dates of ARRIVING: Friday November 1, 2024 and DEPARTING: Sunday November 3, 2024 

 Book Your Stay Online Now! Your Offer Code is 6146 

 Enter your Offer Code and click Search, then Select for your Offer Code under Available Offers and enter your stay dates for your group.  Guests can also call the hotel Toll Free at (866) 383-0777  to book your room and ask for the Patterned Speed Horses Group (Booking ID: 6146 along with the date(s) you would like to book at the group rate.  Please make your reservations before the deadline date of: Friday October 11, 2024. 

Hotel Check in time is 4pm and check is 11am. The hotel must receive cancellations before 24 hours prior to check in day to avoid incurring any penalties.

Schedule will look something like: 

  • Friday night: Gather at your leisure and enjoy social time as a PSHA Family. 
  • Saturday: 
    • 9AM: Meeting – Convention Hall
    • 530PM: Open Bar – Convention Hall 
      • Fund Raising will start – details to come!
    • 6PM: Dinner Buffet 
    • AWARDS: As dinner is wrapping up. (About 7PM) 
    • Fun & Games follow awards. 
    • Enjoy the evening! 
  • Sunday: 
    • 830AM: Rules committee Meeting – Theatre Room
    • 9AM: Judges and Timers Meeting – New Cards – Theatre Room


Notice the note in there about Fund Raising. I am awaiting confirmation, but we may have a new Interstate Princess!


Proposal 1: 

By Law Proposal:

Submitted by Jamie Parks

Page 79 Artivle IV section 2 Duties.

I propose adding:

  1. The Executive Board will meet quarterly from November through April and Monthly from May through August to review organization financials and discuss other topics that are affecting the organization. This meeting can be done via Teams, Zoom or in person. 
  2. The Meeting will be scheduled by the President the second week of the month, or as the team can come together, so that there is time for previous month financials to be competed and shared by the treasurer with the Executive Board for review prior to the meeting.


The entire section would read:

The Executive Board shall have the responsibility for conducting the day-to-day business of the Patterned Speed Horse Association.

  1. The Executive Board will meet quarterly from November through April and Monthly from May through August to review organization financials and discuss other topics that are affecting the organization. This meeting can be done via Teams, Zoom or in person. 
  2. The Meeting will be scheduled by the President the second week of the month so that there is time for previous month financials to be competed and shared by the treasurer with the Executive Board.


Purpose: We need to establish a cadence and timing of meetings to ensure that the Executive team is informed of the status of the organization. This will also give better visibility to the financials of the organization.



Proposal 2: 

Submitted by Cassie Alexander

Page 48, Section 11 Show approvals No. 4.


I propose to add: 2-man and 4-man team events.

Such that it would read “Show management has the option to offer up to 4 open classes per individual events, 2-man and 4-man team events.”

It currently reads: “Show management has the option to offer up to 4 open classes per individual events.

The reason for this addition is simply to allow the same opportunity for 2- and 4-man team events to run as is offered in individual events.



Proposal 3: 

Submitted by Klayton Tjoelker

Page 25, Section 5: Competition General Rules #2


I propose to add under #2:

  1. At any State approved show, any given horse can make up to but no more than 14 runs, including both individual and team events, per day. This is to be monitored by show management or office administration. Run count is to reset at start time of the following show day.  Any runs made over and above 14 runs in one day will result in a no time. 

The Section would then read:

  1. The same horse/rider combination may appear only once in the same individual event. Same horse or rider may appear multiple times in an individual event.
  1. At any State approved show, any given horse can make up to but no more than 14 runs, including both individual and team events, per day. This is to be monitored by show management or office administration. Run count is to reset at start time of the following show day.  Any runs made over and above 14 runs in one day will result in a no time. 



  • To stay true to our mission statement to “Promote humane treatment of our horse athletes”.
  • To maintain a good reputation in the eyes of spectators, sponsors, visiting riders, etc.
  • To protect the longevity and comfort of our animal athletes.



Proposal 4: 

Submitted by Amber Kerntke

Page 47, Section 11: State Show Approval


I propose to re-write this section to represent last chance weekend be no later than the 3rd weekend of July. It would read something like: 



Individual PSHA members or clubs may sponsor a PSHA show. 


When: Shows may be held any day of the with one or more events. The last show counting towards the current year will be no later than the 3rd weekend in July. No other state shows will be held on State Finals Championship Show weekend, Interstate Championship Meet weekend, or the same weekend as the Judges and Timers Clinic. There may also be no shows scheduled after the last weekend of the show season which will not exceed the 3rd weekend in July. 

Approval Fee: $10.00 per day plus 1.25 per ride, including nonmembers, in all PSHA approved events. Ride fees will increase as follows: 2024 season $1.25 per ride and 2025 season $1.50 per ride. 

Entry Fee: A show’s entry fees must be the same for all events and riders. Special fees for sponsoring club members shall be cause for disallowing said club member’s times.


Reasoning: This would allow more time for the State Times Keeper and State Finals committee to get ready for the show while not moving the event from the current weekend.