Interstate Golf Tournament
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Hello! it's time to start thinking about Interstate Championship and the Al Barber Memorial Golf Tournament. We are all set at the Eagle's Crest Resort Course -- The same place as the last couple of years. a great place to bring together all our friends from Patterned Speed Horse Association and Western Horsemen of Oregon. We'll be able to be on the range about 7am and tee off about 7:30am on Friday morning 9/1. You'll get teamed up with a partner in a two-person game. We'll have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams as well as a longest drive for the guys and gals, a closest to the pin award and of course the haywire award of the traditional riding helmet. Price will be $60 for range balls, a cart and 9 holes of golf with a great gang. Reach out to me and let me know you're in and I'll get you paired up and in a group. Spread the word and help this event continue to grow! EVERYONE IS WELCOME. This is what most of us look like out there!